MDOYVR 2024 recap

Published: 2024-07-08

Mat X, Nick Z and JD recount MDOYVR 2024 and encourage your feedback as we begin planning MDOYVR 2025. Quick Talks always welcome.

Super secret MDOYVR 2024 shirt

Thank you to all our great MacDevOps:YVR 2024 sponsors! MacStadium, Fleet, SimpleMDM, Workbrew and DBQ Technology 

MDO Socials

Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates:

OpenCore Legacy Patcher with Mykola Grymalyuk

Published: 2024-06-09

Mat X and JD are joined by Mykola Grymalyuk to discuss how he got into creating Open Core Legacy Patcher, getting into security and trying to unravel Apple Silicon VMs. Check out his security talk at MacDevOps:YVR 2024

Apple Silicon and Virtual Machines: Custom Serials, DEP Enrolment and the Secure Enclave

Csaba Fitzl: “Secure coding XPC services” blog series

Google’s Project Zero

Jamf’s Compliance Editor

SecondSon Consulting’s Baseline project

SwiftDialog project


Thank you to all our great MacDevOps:YVR 2024 sponsors! MacStadium, Fleet, SimpleMDM, Workbrew and DBQ Technology 


MDO Socials

Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates:

MDO Socials

Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates:

SwiftDialog with Bart Reardon

Published: 2024-05-29

MacDevOps:YVR 2024 conference is June 19-21, 2024. Mat X and JD are joined by Bart Reardon to chat about his open source project Swift Dialog, using SwiftUI and running an open source project.


Swift Dialog documentation 

Projects that use swift Dialog

Thank you to all our great MacDevOps:YVR 2024 sponsors! Fleet, SimpleMDM and Workbrew  


MDO Socials

Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates:

MDO Socials

Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates:

Aftermath with Stuart Ashenbrenner

Published: 2024-05-14

Mat X and JD are joined by Stuart Ashenbrenner, macOS Security Researcher at HuntressLabs, to discuss Aftermath, a Swift-based, open-source incident response framework, and being a Millennial Girl Dad.

MacDevOps:YVR 2024 conference is June 19-21, 2024.

Acronym expansion:

EDREndpoint detection and response


MDO YVR 2023 – (dm)XProtect: Stop, Drop, Shut malware down before it opens up shop 

MDO Socials

Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates:

MDO Socials

Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates:

10th Anniversary conference

Published: 2023-12-13

Our tenth anniversary edition of MacDevOps:YVR is next June 2024. Planning and preparations have already begun. Mat X and JD are joined by Nick Zolotko,  one of our amazing behind the scenes organizers for the tenth annual MDOYVR Conference.

MDOYVR 2023 call for speakers

MDO Socials

Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates:

Declarative MDO with Joel Rennich

Published: 2023-06-14

MacDevOps:YVR 2023 is a week away. Mat X and JD are joined by Joel Rennich one of our speakers to chat about the upcoming ninth annual MDOYVR Conference, Hack Night, and some of what was seen at WWDC.

June 20 – Workshops and pre-conference social

June 21-22 – Two full days of talks and panels and the famous hallway track including a fun hack night on June 21st!

MDOYVR 2023 conference schedule


DataIntell – storage analytics

Archiware P5 – software for archiving all the things (LTO, cloud, everything)


WWDC 2023 – What’s new in managing Apple devices

Explore advances in Declarative Device Management (WWDC 2023 Video)

KMFDDM is an Apple Declarative Device Management (DDM) server. It works together with NanoMDM. (See also MicroMDM)

What’s new in Swift (WWDC 2023 Videos)

Login window apps: Joel Rennich’s NoMAD and Tim Perfitt’s XCreds



Device Attestation currently


Fleet device management


MDO Socials

Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates:

Thank you to the MDO YVR 2023 Sponsors:

Gold + Graphics Recording Sponsor

HP Anyware

Silver Sponsor

Fleet DM

Live Stream sponsor

SimpleMDM (PDQ)

Workshop helper sponsor


MDO Socials

Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates:

Hey let’s get ready for MacDevOps!

Published: 2023-06-07

Mat X and JD are joined by Stuart, one of our speakers, and Arnold, an attendee, discussing their journey to attending the ninth annual MDOYVR Conference.

June 20 – Workshops and pre-conference social

June 21-22 – Two full days of talks and panels and the famous hallway track


MDOYVR 2023 conference schedule

Aftermath – Swift based open-source incident response framework

Beyond the good ol’ launch agents (Csba Fitzl)

Sarah Edwards – Laughing Apollo (MDOYVR 2019) |

Sarah Edward’s mac4n6 blog



MDO Socials

Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates:

Thank you to the MDO YVR 2023 Sponsors:

Gold + Graphics Recording Sponsor

HP Anyware

Silver Sponsor

Fleet DM

Live Stream sponsor

SimpleMDM (PDQ)

MDO Socials

Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates:

MacDevOps:YVR 2023 Back in Person

Published: 2023-05-31

MacDevOps:YVR 2023 is weeks away. Join Mat X and JD as they discuss some of the highlights to the ninth annual MDOYVR Conference back in person in beautiful downtown Vancouver, B.C.

June 20 – Workshops and pre-conference social

June 21-22 – Two full days of talks and panels and the famous hallway track

MDOYVR 2023 conference schedule

As if it were a swarm of bees, you should stay away from the SyncServices folder in Mac OS X 10.4.

Apple knowledge article on SyncServices (

The polyglot software un-conference

MDO Socials

Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates:

Thank you to the MDO YVR 2023 Sponsors:

Gold + Graphics Recording Sponsor

HP Anyware

Silver Sponsor

Fleet DM

Live Stream sponsor

SimpleMDM (PDQ)




MDO Socials

Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates:

Remote distributed workflows for video editing with Seth Goldin

Published: 2022-09-15

Seth Goldin,  IT engineer in Media and Entertainment, joins Mat X and to talk about building remote distributed workflows for video editing.

Buy us a coffee ☕

Host: Mat X

Guest: Seth Goldin


MacDevOps:YVR Videos:

MDOYVR19 – Jasper Siegers – The Post Lab Story

SPONSORS for MDOYVR 2022 conference: (Platinum Sponsor)

SimpleMDM (Gold Sponsor)

Addigy (Silver Sponsor)

MacStadium (Live Stream Sponsor)

FleetDM (Graphic Recording Sponsor)

MDO Socials

Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates:

Sharvil and Zach talk about MDOYVR 2022

Published: 2022-07-01

Sharvil Shah, first time at speaker at MDO, and Zach CTO from Fleet DM join Mat X and to talk about security and the recent MacDevOps:YVR 2022 conference.

Buy us a coffee ☕

Host: Mat X

Guests: Zach W and Sharvil Shah


Fleet DM (Device management)

MacDevOps:YVR Videos:

MDOYVR22 – Allister Banks – Threat Models Are Like Opinions

MDOYVR22 – Sharvil Shah – Open Source Visibility on Mac with Osquery and Endpoint Security Framework

MDOYVR22 – Prima Virani – Hosting FleetDM in EKS

MDOYVR22 – Csaba Fitzl -10 macOS Persistence Techniques


JD’s Podcast Year in Review


SPONSORS for MDOYVR 2022 conference: (Platinum Sponsor)

SimpleMDM (Gold Sponsor)

Addigy (Silver Sponsor)

MacStadium (Live Stream Sponsor)

FleetDM (Graphic Recording Sponsor)

MDO Socials

Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates: