Published: 2020-08-25
Humorist, Aaron Reynolds of @EffinBirds and @Swear_Trek twitter accounts joins Mat X, Shania & JD to discuss taking the leap to doing your own thing, process and the hard work of being creative.
A book of 100 tear-out postcards Greetings From Effin’ Birds:
EffinBirds mugs, shirts and prints.
StarTrek: Wolf in the Fold (related @swear_trek tumblr image).
Douglas Trumble, special effects
Jonathan Kay, serious adult
Pixelmator Pro
History of British Birds by Thomas Bewick.
Bewick Society –
Artimasa – Fairy Tales –
EffinBirds ⭐ Reviews
MDO Socials
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Published: 2020-08-18
Mat X and JD are joined by Allison & Piero for a sample of the discussion in the MacDevOps Book Club, discussing Emily Freeman’s book, DevOps for Dummies.
Join us on the MacDevOps Discord, Wednesdays at Noon Pacific (UTC-7)
MDO Socials
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Published: 2020-08-11
Mat X and JD catch up with Shania, after she successfully moved 4 offices to working remotely.
During Coronavirus Lockdowns, Some Doctors Wondered: Where Are the Preemies?
Jira software and service desk tickets
Zendesk help desk tickets and customer service desk software
Confluence project collaboration
Tweet – jira devs using sticky notes
What is Scrumm master?
MDO Socials
Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates:
Published: 2020-08-04
Howard Oakley joins JD and Mat X to discuss testing betas, APFS snapshots and exploring log files.
Note: Our interview with Howard ran well over 1.5 hours. Howard is a wealth of information, and we did not want to abridge the interview. This is part 2 of 2. We suggest listening to Part 1 first.
APL programming language
Swift programming language
Leveraging APFS with APFS snapshots (Mike Bombich)
Managing snapshots (Rich Trouton)
Volume recovery with APFS (Howard Oakley)
SilentKnight (security app)
ArchiChect (universal app checker)
lipo cli tool (Universal app detection)
Apple’s transition to Intel
MDO Socials
Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates:
Published: 2020-07-28
Howard Oakley joins JD and Mat X to discuss recent changes in Apple macOS, writing apps in Swift, and the dangers of learning to program with a laser cutter.
Note: Our interview with Howard ran well over 1.5 hours. Howard is a wealth of information, and we did not want to abridge the interview. This is part 1 of 2.
APL programming language
Swift programming language
Leveraging APFS with APFS snapshots (Mike Bombich)
Managing snapshots (Rich Trouton)
Volume recovery with APFS (Howard Oakley)
SilentKnight (security app)
ArchiChect (universal app checker)
lipo cli tool (Universal app detection)
Apple’s transition to Intel
MDO Socials
Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates:
Published: 2020-07-21
Piero and Joaquin join Mat X and JD to kick off the Summer Book Club with DevOps for Dummies.
DevOps for Dummies (Cheat sheet)
DevOps Days
Agile Manifesto
What is Scrum?
MacAdmins Python
Re-locatable Python
Joaquin’s GitHub
Piero’s GitHub
Nudge (prompts users to install updates via an approved method)
How to make a pull request
William Theaker – (Quick Talk) Running Autopkg with GitHub Actions
Learn GitLab CI
MDO Socials
Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates:
Published: 2020-07-14
Gord Breckenridge joins Mat X and JD to discuss supporting art schools, visual effects studios, and automating his way out of a job in the early days with Radmind.
Radmind cli to manage Unix systems
DB Browser for SQL Lite
Operators Band
Wade’s S3 Auth Middleware for Munki
Screens App for iPad
PHP Laravel
Teradici desktop virtual ecosystem
Parsec gaming interactive streaming
Shake compositing software
Munki and MunkiReport
MDO Socials
Please follow our accounts on Mastodon, Twitter or Facebook for news and updates: